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Health and Wellbeing with Mindfulness and Yoga
The ancient wisdom of yoga
and scientifically proven mindfulness
in powerful combination
The ancient wisdom of yoga
and scientifically proven mindfulness
in powerful combination
We've had lots of new yogis lately, so making more classes available.
We start with a few moments of stillness to catch our breath and put aside the rest of the day - and the rest of the world. There are lots of gentle warm ups, leading towards a peak pose that is offered in stages so everyone can join in at their level of comfort. We finish with a guided meditation so you can leave the class smiling, feeling relaxed and invigorated at the same time.
£10 per class or £40 per month, concessions are available.
Email yoga4health@yahoo.com to book a place or call 07393 344 847.
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash
One of my long standing yoga students was feeling poorly and hurt her knee. She requested some gentle, seated movement to aid her recovery so I created the chair yoga class.
We start with 5 minutes pause, to find stillness and check how we feel in the moment. After that we have a series of seated warm ups that get our body used to moving, neck, shoulders, arms and spine. We can move our lower legs and ankles while seated and even open the front of the hips without getting out of the chair.
After the warm ups we have a series of poses based on a theme, for example easing or preventing sciatica, gentle rotations to mobilize our spine, or releasing shoulder tightness. Its different each week unlike the warm ups which tend to follow a similar pattern. The movements are slow and careful, and they get a little more demanding as we progress. Because they are offered in stages you can work as much or as little as suits you, and I always adjust the class depending on who is present and their ability. I've been surprised how much you can do in a chair.
We end with a meditation, this tends to be everyone’s favorite part. I guide you to relax your whole body and we give our mind a job to do so it doesn’t spoil our physical rest. Our mind can create all sorts of trouble! Equally it can be our most powerful ally when pointed in a positive direction.
Join in person or on Zoom, this class is very accessible, even for those who thought they would never be in a yoga class. 10 till 11am Wednesday morning, you can makes your Wednesday really good for you. £10 per class or £40 per month, concessions are available.
Email yoga4health@yahoo.com to book a place or find out more.
Photo by Vincent Botta on Unsplash
Relaxation has always been the aim of my practice, building strength and flexibility I consider to be a bonus (altho its a great bonus). And so the classes have always been gentle.
Due to illness or injury, some folks struggle with some aspects of the gentle yoga classes, for example bearing weight on the wrists on all-fours or stepping in and out of lunge. To make the practice more accessible, I'm developing a version without those triggers.
You'll still feel relaxed and energised at the end, still building and maintaining a healthy body and peaceful mind.
Gentle Yoga
Extra Gentle Yoga
I believe financial hardship should not prevent you accessing important stress reduction skills.
Money worries are a massive cause of stress in many lives and we can learn to turn them down and enjoy ourselves, even at the bottom of the overdraft.
If you really want to come and it's out of your budget, let's talk.
In my book, mental health comes first. Without mental health you are unlikely to keep physical health in the long run. Conversely, strong mental health can bring us thru any illness.
Most of us have habits that turn out to be negative. For example, there is lots of evidence that stress is very harmful to your health, but our belief is that stress is unavoidable. Is it? Pressures are unavoidable but your reaction to stress can be transformed. Stress causes illness FULL STOP Fortunately there are many ways of increasing our awareness of our own stress responses and doing things differently. As we practice and our awareness expands, we become a more effective guide to what is healthful for us.
Use the tools to increase relaxation. Relaxation doesn't sound powerful, but its the opposite end of the seesaw to stress. We can turn up our 'rest and digest' biology and this improve our immune system, digestion, cell reproduction and mental focus.
Can it really be that simple?
Yes and no. Yes, you will almost certainly feel more relaxed and happier after a mindful yoga class or guided meditation. But its going to take a while to overcome major life problems like addictions, difficult relationships or longstanding anxiety, for example.
But an avalanche starts with just a few flakes of snow...
When you are run by repeated worries, rushing between deadlines, feeding yourself bad news and junk food, angry at the world, or struggling to make ends meet, we have little choice. We merely react.
As we grow our self awareness, we make conscious what was previously unconscious, and give ourselves more choice. We learn to respond.
I am doing this, and so can you. You need the right tools.
As well as addressing the negative we also increase the positive choices in our lives. Too simple?
There are reasons we choose to forego rest and recreation sometimes, like when we are under pressure - but this is when we need self self care the most!
We can learn to love ourselves through our difficulties.
We decide that we can best serve those we love by looking after ourselves and taking a rest when we need it, saying no if it feels like we are overloaded. We deserve the time to lift ourselves with the things we love.
Everyone around you will feel better when you feel better!
Unless you have a brand new baby or other extreme life event, that is an unconscious habit. No blame, no shame, we can learn to choose differently. Also know that if you have stress that you are not attending to, worries endlessly roaming free in your head and working long hours, eventually you will need to make time for illness. And that may not be a choice. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's true.
You can choose to find time to create a better future for yourself, like you might study for a qualification that enables you to get a better job. This is the same. You learn to look after yourself in a new way. It needn't be hours every day, you can meditate for 1 minute and change the way you feel for the better.
Invest in yourself! Future you will be very grateful :o)
Meditation is the best tool I know of
for becoming more self aware.
Why do I want that?
If your emotions sneak up on you and surprise you and those around you, if you spend a lot of time worrying or if anger bursts out of you without warning, if you tend to use unhealthy coping mechanisms like addictions, then greater self awareness is the only tool that i know of that can help. There may be other tools, but I know from personal experience that meditation will grow your self awareness and then you have more power to choose if a third helping of chocy cake is a good thing or not.
Yes you can!
Sadly, in the west, the word 'yoga' brings to mind images of youngsters in tight leggings putting their feet on their head.
In the yoga tradition that I teach, five eighths of the practice is bringing the attention out of the mind, where our worries and to do list are located, and into the body. The body has its own wisdom waiting for us to pay attention.
Don't believe me? Try it.
A range of classes for all (yes, ALL) abilities are available.